Monday, August 27, 2012

Better Together: Joint Ventures Mean Business

Are you ready for some small business advice that will generously pad your pocketbook while costing you nothing? Organizing joint ventures for your business is as easy as thinking of what else goes with what you offer. You look for the "better together" products and services.

Have you ever bought those popular sandwich cookies that have their own song? Part of the song is about dunking those oh-so-chocolaty sandwich cookies in milk. Better together. Yogurt with fruit, hotdogs with mustard, and bagels with cream cheese - lots of things are better together. Now you are about to discover how to think that way for your business.

Many JVs can be set up with a conversation or two, yet their profits are "evergreen." One arrangement can profit the parties involved for years to come.

No matter what kind of business you run, what products you sell or services you offer, you can serve both your customers and your bank account better by organizing joint ventures, or JVs. All you need is a sincere desire to serve your customers even better than you already do plus an eye for increasing leverage.

An accountant and a tax preparer are a natural fit. Someone who hires an accountant also needs to do taxes, and she is more likely to hire someone. So offering a special offer, such as a discount coupon or service upgrade deal is valuable. Likewise, the tax preparer sees a lot of people who certainly SHOULD have someone do their accounting. Thus, he arranges to offer a discount or special offer from the accountant for all his clients.

That's a win-win-win proposition. It's like creating money out of thin air, because there is minimal effort, negligible cost, and long-term benefit for the business owners PLUS value added for the customer. Here's how it works.

Both businesses increase their bottom line and gain new customers because of the arrangement. And I cannot forget to mention that all of this happens with NO advertising costs. They each may print off coupons or letters, but the cost of copies is far less than the cost of TV, radio or newspaper advertising.

And the customers win because when they purchase either service, they receive a little extra gift that gives them something they need. Not every customer will do business with both the accountant and the tax preparer, but some will.

Deals like this can easily bring both businesses more customers, thousands in profits, and enhanced customer loyalty while costing nothing.

*** Opening Your Eyes to JV Possibilities ***

Start asking yourself questions like these:

What else is important to my customers?

Do my customers use additional services alongside mine?

* Do they typically purchase from nearby merchants or stores?

* What else goes along with what I offer in my business?

If you notice people coming into your store with bags from a particular business, why not talk to the owner and create a joint venture?

If you do business online, what other products are a natural fit with what you offer? Who offers those other products or services? Since I have a system for how to write a book that prospers your business, I organize JVs with publishers and book launch companies.

Once you know what else your customers would like, you seek out a reliable source with whom to organize a mutually beneficial deal. So start using the "better together" formula to create your own profitable joint ventures.

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