Sunday, August 26, 2012

Best Treatments For Excessive Head Sweating

Imagine you are all dressed up for a friend's wedding and suddenly you see yourself all covered with sweat all over your face, armpits, etc. And that too, when it is not hot and humid and people around you are comfortably dressed and free from any kind of sweat on their body. Will you not feel embarrassed by this situation? Yes you will. So if you are actually suffering from such a situation and are worried about the treatment and cure, here are a few ways in which you can treat the problem of excessive sweating.

The first and the foremost method is the use of anti-per spirants. People who have just started suffering from the problem of excessive sweating, start addressing their problem through the use of these anti-per spirant products. While people, who suffer from excessive sweating of face and forehead, cannot use the product, people who suffer from excessive sweating of the armpits can really benefit from its use. It is also important to determine and understand the composition of your anti-per spirant. While some may work wonders, other may actually darken your skin. If a light anti-per spirant that is easily available over-the-counter does not work for you, you may try and consult a doctor who may recommend a strong anti-per spirant. The major composition of all anti-per spirants is aluminum chloride hexahydrate.

Now that you have already consulted a doctor for prescribing a stronger anti-per spirant, it does make sense to find a permanent solution for the problem by requesting an oral medication for your problem. Also as mentioned earlier, if excessive sweating is applicable to your face and head, oral medications become a necessity rather than a choice. This kind of medication is called as anticholinergics and is include Robinul. These products work best for people who suffer excessive sweating of hands.

The third option for treating excessive sweating is botox injections. Yes, you read it right. It is botox injections. Botox injections are widely used in cosmetic surgery but they are also effective in closing the sweat pores. These injections are given under your arms and are generally not something that you would look forward to since the treatment lasts long and requires approximately 20 injections per armpit in order to give some effective results. Besides, one needs to understand and accept the fact that it is not a permanent cure and you will be required to repeat the procedure every 4 months for continuing the effect of the injections. Botox injections are widely used to treat excessive sweating of hands and feet however, it has failed to guarantee the effect of the injections. Besides, above all the injections are painful since they are given in hand and hence may also require you to consume pain killer in order to address the problem of pain.

The above mentioned method can always be used as a last resort, however natural ways of treating the problem are more healthy and have no side effects as compared to the treatments mentioned above.

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