Monday, March 26, 2012

Say No To Fine Lines - 6 Handy Tips

Is it possible to stay looking young forever? No of course not - but it is possible to prevent a lot of the signs of aging by making good lifestyle choices. Wrinkles and fine lines can be avoided if you take simple steps to keep your skin looking in optimum condition. The following pointers may well be common sense but very few people actually stick to such good behavior.

1. Drink Plenty of Water - It's for a good reason why this is so often given as a must do for anyone looking for good health. We are no different to any other living thing on the planet which requires water to stay alive and regenerate ourselves constantly. If your skin is deprived of hydration, it is going to shrivel and age far more quickly than skin which is kept watered. If you've ever had a plant which has been starved of water you will see it droop and sag. Give it some water and it comes back to life - your skin behaves in pretty much the same manner.

2. Don't Smoke - In addition the other long list of health problems associated with smoking, it can significantly increase the speed at which skin ages. The term smokers face specifically relates to the combined effects of continual pouting (in the act of smoking) and the release of free radicals in the smoke which age the skin and contribute to the fine lines which arise around the mouth.

3. Keep Out The Sun - The suns rays age the skin very quickly. Tanned skin is certainly pleasing on the eye, it is a temporary state of affairs unlike the aging that sun exposure brings about. Use a high SPF factor suncream, stay in the shade or cover up.

4.Combat Winkles and Fine Lines - If wrinkles and fines lines have taken hold, it is possible to fight back. There are many products which are available which can significantly help reduce the signs of aging although most of these simply hide the signs as opposed to stopping the process entirely. The other major weapon in the arsenal is to stimulate your own collagen production to remove wrinkles by using devices such as derma skin rollers.

5.Get Good Genes - OK, it's admittedly too late to do anything about this now, but your genetic make up is a major contributor to the speed at which your skin is susceptible to aging. For those more prone to wrinkles, making the right lifestyles choices becomes even more important to try and delay, reduce or avoid the onset of aging skin.

6. Beauty Treatments - There are lots of anti aging treatments available which can strip away the upper layers of skin to reveal a new fresher looking surface. Although it is possible to get good results, there are many cases of serious problems as a side effect to treatments such as skin peels or laser based therapies. Approach these solutions with a high degree of caution.

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