Sunday, March 25, 2012

8 Keys on How You Can Propagate a Pine Bonsai Flourishingly

Growing a pine bonsai requires attention and proper care to be successful in it. It can grow in a cold and warm environment as long as you provide the essential sources of nourishment. If you are planning to cultivate a miniature pine and you have problems on how to grow it, you don't have to worry because it is actually not burdensome.

Here are eight keys that will guide you on how to propagate a pine bonsai successfully:

1) Protect your bonsai from frost winds. Your miniature pine can actually thrive to warm and cold environments. It can survive to a cold environment with a temperature of 20 to 30 degree Celsius, and they can stay alive to a warm environment up to 30 degree Celsius. But you just have to keep it from strong winds during winter. Frost winds can cause drying out of your miniature tree and eventually it can cause weakness to the entire little tree.

2) Place your pine bonsai under a full sun. Miniature pine loves to be under a full sun. But what is most interesting in exposing your pine grown as a little tree under a full sun is that it promotes the development of shorter needles.

3) Provide your pine bonsai with sufficient amounts of water. Water should be given adequately so that your pine bonsai can grow well. But you should not give too much water or too less water. Over watering your miniature pine can cause rotting of the root, most especially the Japanese Black pine bonsai because it is very sensitive to wet soil. As roots become rotted, this event can lead to weakness of your little pine tree, and this can compromise the health of your miniature tree. Giving too less water can also cause dehydration to your little tree which is very fatal if you have not instituted quick intervention.

4) Use a soil mixture that promotes good drainage. Soil is an essential part of the growth of your pine bonsai. Your miniature pine should be planted in a soil mixture that promotes drainage of excess water. This is because pine grown as a litlle tree cannot tolerate too much water in the soil and that is why you should choose soil that is composed of materials that can drain extra fluid in it.

5) Feed your pine bonsai with an appropriate fertilizer in the right season. Fertilizers are very helpful to your pine bonsai because they boost its proliferation. But you must use an appropriate fertilizer, and it is very recommended that you use a 0-10-10 nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus containing fertilizer. You must give a mild solution of the fertilizer and apply it to your miniature pine during the season of spring.

6) Repot your pine bonsai carefully. Repotting is very necessary while growing your little pine tree because this will prevent pot bound. As you repot it, you should place it in a deep pot or container for miniature tree. You should repot a young miniature pine once in every two years until the time comes when the growth of your pine bonsai declines. Then, as your miniature pine grows slowly, you can now repot it once in every three or four years. You must use a dry soil for repotting your bonsai tree, and then after repotting you should water it thoroughly until water drips out from the holes of the bonsai container.

7) Wiring your pine bonsai. You should wire your pine grown as a little tree during winter season because at this time the new buds are hard, and they cannot get damaged. You can also wire your pine bonsai during the middle part of summer after the new needles have developed. But you must check regularly the wired branches and trunks, especially during the season of spring because this is the time of rapid growth and unwanted scarring may occur.

8) Shape your miniature pine. Pruning it primarily depends on what species your pine belongs. But in general, pruning should be done during autumn and winter because their growth rate has declined.

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